For anyone looking to start a business, the dream may be large, but in reality, your business will start from a single idea and grow gradually as it evolves and changes to fit the needs of your customers. The world changes almost every day and that is reflected on the internet as well. Websites must evolve with your business and change as SEO requirements change for search engines. If you allow your website to fall behind in updates, your site is in danger of falling drastically behind in search engine results.
Search engines such as Google have many websites to contend with and they prioritize those that are in line with current trends and keep attributes such as content up to date. Failing to update your website will slide you back in search engine results. Those that align with Google’s protocols and maintain new content regularly are rewarded. Essentially, they allow up to date and compliant websites to appear on the first few pages making it easier for customers to find them. Otherwise, your website could drop below the first 3 pages where very few customers venture to find what they want.
Many small businesses are under the misconception that they do not need a website as their social media avenues reach more people. However, even though social media sites are essential for reaching certain customers, it does not reach them all. Organic search engine searches remain as the key in procuring and promoting return visitors. Customers looking for products and services that align with your business will generally search for them in the same manner and stick with trusted resources time after time.
In order for your business to be a true success, you need a website and it needs to remain up to date. Changes in website trends and requirements for search engines drive the industry and compliance with those is the only way to truly make your website positively impact your business. Here are some tips on how you can improve your website’s reach and maintain allow it to work for you.
Business owners do not always know technical website terms, but two you should understand are bounce and conversion rates. Bounce rate is the time spent on your site by individual customers. If your customers merely visit for a moment without clicking anything or spending time on the site, your bounce rate will be higher. You want to reduce your bounce rate by adding value to the site. Conversion rate is the number of visitors that respond to calls to action such as signing up for emails opening emails sent to them. You want your conversion rate to remain as high as possible.
Every business owner should stay up to date with all updates Google and other search engines send out. For instance, Google recently began giving priority to websites that are responsive, meaning they can be utilized on virtually any device without distorting the pages. These updates are essential and should always be managed on your business site.
Part of proper SEO is content creation and management. Having a regular blog updated and updating interior website content will vastly improve your search engine ratings and keep customers coming back for more. Depending on how much effort your put forth in this area, customers will begin to look at your business as an authority in your industry. This will vastly improve your business reach and conversion rate, getting you more leads and sales from your website
Small business owners are generally not web designers and can find it difficult to manage and keep their website up to date according to search engine standards. Many will simply create a WordPress site and pay the monthly fee just to keep it live without any thought of updates. However, the better option for any business is to partner with a good web designer, preferably someone local that they can contact easily.
Your web designer, should be proactive in helping you to ensure your website remains up to date and ranks for the keywords and search terms that your customers type into Google when looking for your product or service. You may not think it necessary to have a website, but as more and more businesses open and competition grows, you will be thankful you have partnered with a local web designer to help you stay on top of search engine results.
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